
Sicily, Italy 2010

Español       Italiano

In this new workshop at Easter in Sicily Italian was the official language. Of the eight students only two spoke English. But this didn’t certainly create any obstacles, on the contrary the language’s barrier were smashed down thanks to the great harmony of the group Gigi. I watched Kevin and Daniele converse, joke, make fun of each other kindheartedly in their own language. Giampiero followed my advise and returned for a second workshop. I don’t hide my happiness in seeing him capturing “photographic” moments with an awareness unimaginable last year. We cooked, drunk together at the villa, we talked about old and new photographic projects, we looked at images, we carefully analyzed the dummy of my next book on the Cuban countryside. Precious advise were given to me. And obviously, we took pictures daily of the processions laden with pathos, sadness, of life’s moments that destiny bestowed upon us. We fought against the banality that most images show, against our cameras that tend to show inevitably much more of what we wished. But in the end, the coveted unrepeatable instants where everything, almost by magic, seems well balanced, where we find the correct doses of form and content, began to unravel. At each new, beautiful photo we all feel a profound joy knowing how difficult it was to capture that fragment. We dedicate the name of the group to the rustles Gigi, a unique character of Trapani’s Misteri, that man clad in black that would always welcome me with a kiss on both cheeks and a broad smile.

The images by Bo, Daniele, Davide, Enrica, Eugenio, Giampiero, Kevin, Lidia, Maurizio speak clearly. As Davide wrote, the workshop has been:” a life’s experience, the happiness of all senses.”



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