
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil 2018

Español       Italiano

® Kerim Can ErtugThe intimacy and camaraderie of this workshop will never be forgotten! Along with Juan Pablo, Kerim and Romaine we combined all our energies into one. It’s beautiful to see the results. We had so many blessings! This is why we called the group Bênçãos, blessings using the beautiful Portuguese word!
The images taken by each student are very important but the more I teach it becomes clearer that when we gather the entire experience is pervaded by an uncanny spiritual energy!
To be part of the many ceremonies devoted to Yemanja the goddess of the sea and to return to see families I’ve known over the years in the beautiful Reconcavo Bahiano is simply much more than a photo workshop.
The photographs taken speak for themselves echoed by the each word written by each student. Thank you JP, Kerim and Romain to be part of this new adventure where we also talked so much about life! I greatly enjoyed how each one of us shared his.
The group Bênçãos represents what can be achieved when four men of good will coincide in one place at one time!


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