Going With The Flow 2

Iquitos, Peru 2015

Español       Italiano

® Robert MusialThe magic of the Peruvian Amazon are its extraordinarily generous people and the surrounding nature made up of majestic rivers, endless skies, deep forests and amazing animals.
I’ve returned again with five of the same students that were with me last year plus two new students: Leo Carrato the young Brazilian friend who has won one of the two BPW scholarships this year and Robert Musial, a Polish student met in Portugal.
Does it say something? I think it does. Some of them are finally understanding the importance of returning to the same places over and over again.
We return to continue searching for the magic in life’s simplest moments. As the years go by it becomes clearer that in the end this is what I’ve been doing, this is what I’ve been searching for in my wanderings around the microcosms of Latin America that, thanks to my workshops, I’m stumbling upon almost by chance.

I’m elated to see the familiar faces of Calvin, Frank, Nilo, Sophie and Stan along with Robert and Leo. The energy is good and our first outings in Iquitos begin to prove good opportunities. I also begin to share my family project followed by the first three Bahia cantos and the Peruvian cantos on the Sacred valley.
Although all the projects had been already heavily edited in the previous workshop in Cuzco just ten days ago, many more images are being eliminated for good reasons. I’m proud of my students’ editing skills that through the years have been getting even better.
We also hold several editing sessions of each student’s personal bodies. In animated discussions we manage to trim down all their work to the essence. Each group looks much better. There is a common sense of joy and satisfaction resulting from it.

Our journey continues far away from Iquitos. In spite of the rain we manage to shoot daily very beautiful situations. And as each day unfolds new experiences and pictures continue to nourish our journey.
When the end of our workshop nears we are left with some marvelous images and some moving words by my beloved students, which will treat our eyes and souls for years to come.

Thinking of you and your broad sweet smile my dear Sergio Barra. EB


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