El Viajero

Sacred Valley, Peru 2004

Español       Italiano

® Yarum

The group El Viaje turned out to be one of the most spiritual journey I’ve taken this year. My two students felt exactly the same way thus the name we gave to the group: both a physical and intimate journey in this amazingly beautiful and magical place that Peru is.

Many doors were open for us to partake in the rich cultural life. We became instant godfathers of twins, danced with old ladies, photographed heart-felt religious celebrations. We felt we were always welcome, not a single moment of tension or someone saying: “please don’t take my picture.” I know it was not just chance, I know that the Goddess of photography, God himself was looking over us, guiding us through these unforgettable ten days. Now, read Nick’s beautiful impressions and take a look at their pictures.

“There are times in life where everything goes for you. Our time in Peru was just such a time. It seemed everywhere we went we would uncover strange photogenic events.

Pigs being slaughtered by roadsides, children being

Christened in remote villages, vicunas being kissed by passing children, unknown parades that seemed to spring out of nowhere. It was as if the country was offering itself up to us, wanting us to record it in its best and most magical light ……….

Everywhere we went we encountered warm and hospitable people who didn’t let their lack of material advantages jaundice their view of life.

It’s this spirit that imbues all the photographs we took and in the final analysis makes Peru one of the most beautiful places I have visited in the world.” EB


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