Countryside, Cuba 2003
Casi is the Spanish word for almost, a word that I had to use very often during our daily critiques to point out that of the many pictures we take only few reach the threshold of becoming interesting photographs. The vast majority are unable to transcend that slice of reality in which they were taken. Whether the students were advanced or just beginners, I wanted each of one of them to have this simple concept clear in their mind from the very start: very few images, among the millions taken everyday, make it as complete, meaningful, revealing and lasting photographs.
Florencia the young photojournalist from Ecuador suggested we use this word to name the group. Elsie, Karen, Ralph and I all agreed that it was appropriate.
Of the Cuban groups that I have had so far this year, I feel that the group “Casi” was the most cohesive one, where the different ages, photographic views and cultural differences blended in very smoothly. Elsie and Karen created with the 120 format, each one of them with her own sensibility, lasting poetic images of Cuban daily life. Florencia showed in her images the rawer aspects of life on the edge. The picture of that couple ardently kissing on the street will always stay with me.
And last but not least, Ralph, a true beginner, managed to capture life both in the city and the countryside with such a personal touch to make all of us proud of him. The whole group, not just me, helped him along the way to reach a new plateau in his photographic growth.
The chemistry among all of us was so great that the last day of the workshop, after we were done editing all their work, we went down to the beach to have fun and to edit my recent panoramic work while drinking good cold Cuban beer. Although the breeze from the ocean was trying to blow away my prints repeatedly, it was one of the most glorious editing session that I can remember. They helped me greatly. What else can I ask for? EB