
Oaxaca, Mexico 2005

Español       Italiano

® Laurent Hecht

I need to confess that I was a bit nervous at the idea of having to teach to 12 teenagers between the age of fourteen and seventeen. I had never done it before and I had no idea what to expect. I was wondering how they were going to react to my teaching, not to mention were they going to be wild and crazy and hard to control?

The idea that two chaperons (two of their best teachers and mentors) were accompanying them helped diffuse some of my fears.

I can now say that teaching these kids has been probably one of the highlights of my busy workshops’ schedule this year. I have been impressed by their desire and ability to learn, to understand so quickly what it takes to take a good image that can really go beyond the heavy boundaries of reality. They worked so hard, they got tired, and discouraged at times, but in the end each one of them came through providing very personal and sensitive images of Mexican daily life.

I applied my usual toughness in our last editing session in the beautiful courtyard at the Manuel Alvarez Bravo Photographic Center. In the end, I had no choice but choosing four images by each one of them. Simply take a look at them. They have nothing to envy to my most experienced classes during the day of the Dead celebrations. The memories of those intense, special 10-days will always stay with me forever.

I thank Liese for providing the extra doses of good energy and optimism that we all needed at times. I can now say that I look forward to the next experience together with my young students.

I also can’t wait to see the DVD shot, directed and edited by the group. To the next one. EB


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