Emotionally Attached Gallery

Sacred Valley, Peru 2005

Español       Italiano


® Chad Andserson

I sit at my desk with the music playing softly over my office sound system in the hall. Norah’s familiar cigarettes and whiskey voice slips into my office and for a moment my mind drifts back to the fields and pueblos of the Sacred Valley. Was it just 10 days ago? It seems a time suspended from reality, but it was real, it is real. Perhaps more real than the work I have waiting for me down the hall. I see the descendents of the Inca interacting with the land, their animals, and with me. Scraping a living from the red soil with bare hands and ready smiles, stopping along the way to celebrate their spirituality. Maras is magical. The precession around me has changed little in 400 years, but I am changed in a day. The camera helps me see a world invisible to my naked eyes. I hope others can see it. I want others to see it. This motivates me to photograph. I have asked Ernesto to help me show this world of magic, beauty, life and death to others. I have chosen my teacher well. Ernesto points out moments of beauty and magic and guides me in transporting them to film. “Get closer” he says, “justify” (great teacher, slow student). His vision is well tuned. When God chose Ernesto he chose wisely. I will return to Peru and, God willing, I will return with Ernesto. My eyes are not yet mature, but are completely changed. Chad Anderson



® Giorgio Negro

I shoot, shoot…shoot again. Finally, after so many years lived inside other duties, other compromises, I can open the drawer where I had left the dream of a lifetime. A dream so beautiful and simple, and yet so ethereal, far away, unreachable: to be a photographer.

And now I’m here, in the Cuzco Valley. I follow children’s smiles, women and men’ s gesture that I do not know, whom do not know me, and yet who are willing to give me a precious gift: an instant of their life so that I can take it with me, so that it can become an instant of my life as well.

I breathe the cold air of these mountains and the warmth of these people, the incense of the churches and the joy of the celebrations. I’m happy. Thanks Luda, thanks Chad to have shared this happiness. Thanks Ernesto for having made it possible.

One thing is certain: I’ll remain emotionally attached forever to you and to Peru. Now it’s just a matter not to close the drawer ever again. Giorgio Negro



® Ludmila Ketslakh

This was my third trip with Ernesto and again a wonderful experience. It’s difficult to describe the amazing beauty and mystery of the country; it’s colonial past, history and culture. Every morning we ventured to the outskirts of Cusco passing through spectacular Valleys and stunning mountain scenery. We visited picturesque towns and villages, colorful Indian markets, while learning native traditions and customs. Ernesto’s knowledge of the language, country traditions and culture opened doors for us to surprising happenings and unexpected adventures. We photographed the slaughtering of the pigs, women dying their wools, and were invited to ceremonial village feast to join in the local celebrations.

Ernesto mentioned that he has never seen me so excited. He was right; this was the first time I felt comfortable to photograph in these extraordinary situations. I was able to concentrate and see a complete picture, while being an active participant of the local event. I was flattered when during editing Ernesto recognized that my pictures became more exciting and sophisticated. At that moment I realized that somehow my picture making leaped to another level. I am still not content with my images, but this trip was great contribution to my growth. I recognized that Ernesto’s way of teaching and his dedication played the significant part in my advance, and I am so grateful for that.

I feel fortunate to meet Ernesto; I am privileged to take his workshops. It was a remarkable trip: the trip of a lifetime. Ludmila Ketslakh




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